Born in Torino (Italy) in 1967. He worked with the Archimedes Centre of Visual Arts (a cultural centre of a District in Torino), were he held workshops on video, with the National Film Archives of Resistence (Torino), where he realized documentaries about the Second World War, the Resistance, about workers struggle and other subjects relevant to the activity of the Archive, and with Theater Juvarra in Torino in the realization of multimedia shows and videoperformances. He is also professor of video language and practice in DAMS, University of Torino. He wrote several books about videoart; video technics and aesthetics of electronic arts. Since 1989 he realizes experimental videos, music videos, videoinstallations, multimedia shows, videoscenographies for dance performances and digital photographies.
Transient (single-screen installation), Canyon Flats Video Wall, Reno (USA), curated City of Reno Arts & Culture Commission and Canyon Flats Apartments, September 1st-30th, 2024.
Remake Remodel (video) within the group show EXPERIMENTA - International Videoart Exhibition, Átrio do Infante della Universidade Portucalense Porto (Portugal), curated by Hernando Hurrutia, June 6th-26th, 2024.
In Silico, (single-screen installation), Over the Real Festival International Video & Multimedia Art Festival (as part of Lucca Film Festival), Sala dell’Affresco, San Micheletto, Lucca, Italy, curated by Maurizio Marco Tozzi, September 22nd – October 1st, 2023.
Black Data (video) within the group show “2nd Vacations in the Subconscious-100 Years The Manifesto of Surrealism by André Breton”, The New Museum of Networked Art, Torrance Art Museum, TAM Los Angelse, USA, Alphabet Art Center (Colonia), curated by di Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, July 22nd-September, 2023.
Pagan Inner (single-screen installation), within the group show “Female Bodies in the Digital”, Toplotcentrala Gallery-Regional Center for Contemporary Arts , Sofia (Bulgaria), curated by di Zornitsa Stoyanova, May 11st -June 9 ,2023.
Transient (single-screen installation), within the group show “Inner Reflection-Time Refraction, New Media Art Exhibition by Espad”, Ariana Art Gallery (Teheran), curated by Mohamadreza Tazari, July 16th-18th, 2022.
Remake Remodel (single-screen installation), within the group show “Weird Media”, Winona State University (US), curated by Patrick Lichty, June 24th-26th, 2022.
La caverna Illuminata (immersive videoinstallation/mapping), courtyard of the Rectorate of the University of Torino (Italy), December 21st , 2021 - January 9th, 2022.
Retrospective of dance videos within “Inshadow-Lisbon Screendance Festiva”, Cisterna FBAUL, (Portugal). Curated by Pedro Senna Nunes e Ana Barata. December 13rd-17th, 2021.
Discussion on Death (video) within the group show online “Audiovisual Frontiers”, Audiovisual Music Department of the University of California, UCR Arts, USA. Curated by Paulo C. Chagas and Nikolay Maslov. Inauguration: November 20th, 2021.
Led3Times (video) within the Padillion “Transgression. Art +Technology” of online Biennale “The Wrong Biennale”, curated by Herando Hurrutia, November 1st 2021-March 1st 2022.
Transient (single-screen installation), within the group show Transborda 3 Q-TV, Alcobaca (Portugal), curated by Alberto Guerreiro, November 1st-21st, 2021.
Black Data (video), within the online group show “This Show is curated by a Machine”, Museum of Wild and Newfangled Art, curated by a A.I. team composed by IV, cari ann shim sham e Joey Zaza , September 23rd, 2021 - January 21st, 2022.
Discussion on Death (single-screen videoinstallation), within the group show “Glitch is the Soul in the Machine”, Winona State University – Laird Norton Center for Art and Design (USA), curated by Mark Amerika, June 28th-July 8th, 2021.
In Your Room (video), within the group show “Happy Valley Animation Festival”, Hub Gallery - Robeson Center, Pennsylvania, USA, May 21st -June 13rd, 2021.
Do Computers Dream? (video retrospective), within the Split Videoart Festival, (Croatia), curated by Maurizio Marco Tozzi, May 20th-23rd, 2021.
Fear of Me (single-screen videoinstallation), within the group show “Très Portrait”, Salon Beauregard, Yverdon-les- Bains (Switzerland), curated by Flaminia Scauso, May 8th-July 11st, 2021.
A Secret Place (photo installation) e Phoenix (single-screen videoinstallation), within the group show “We the People”, Sala della Gran Guardia (Padova), curated by Enrica Feltracco, Elisabetta Maria Vanzelli, Massimiliano Sabbion e Matteo Vanzan, May 4 st-June 2nd, 2021.
Tribute to Alessandro Amaducci. 30 years of Videoart (video retrospective), within the Festival Les Instants Vidéo, Marseille (Francia), curated by Maurizio Marco Tozzi, November 12nd-15th, 2020.
Tribute to Alessandro Amaducci. 30 years of Videoart (video retrospective), e Desire Machines (videoinstallation)
within Share Festival, Torino (Italy), curated by Maurizio Marco Tozzi, September 17th-20th, 2020.
Post Rebis (video) within the group show online The Other Side, at White Page Gallery, curated by Bob Georgeson, September 14th-October 31st, 2020.
Tribute to Alessandro Amaducci. 30 years of Videoart (video retrospective), within Athens Digital Arts Festival, Athens (Greece), curated by di Maurizio Marco Tozzi, July 10th-September 10th, 2020.
Post Rebis (single-screen), within the group show “Dactiloscopia Rosa: Videoart and Queer Constructions”, DIVERSEartLA (Los Angeles), curated by Nestor Prieto, 5th-9th February 2020.
Post Rebis (installation), within the group show “ARTEFACT: Chernobyl 33 - Contemporary Art and New Media Obiect”, Kiev (Ucraina), curated by Iury Lech, 28th September-8th October 2019.
Video retrospective within the exhibition “Stendale. L’abbraccio delle Muse. La corrispondenza dei sensi”, Corciano (Italy), curated by Gabriele Perretta, 3rd-15th August 2019.
Ballet de la nuit (Sabbath), (single-screen), within the group show “Le ballet de la nuit”, IVAM, Institut Valencià d'Arte Modern, Valencia (Spagna), curated by Marisa C. Hayes & Franck Boulège, 3rd.-4th October 2018.
Concert for Shadows 1-10 (single-screen), within the group show “Videoskin. Contemporary Dance Video Works”, Edge Gallery, Yukon (Canada), curated by Monique Romeiko, 2nd-27 November 2018.
Post Rebis (single-screen), within the group show “Experimental Video Show”, Exchange Gallery, Bloomsburg (Pennsylvania), curated by Oren B. Helbok, 29th September-9th November 2018.
Desire Machines (videoinstallation), within the group show “Amore folle”, Corte Benedettina di Correzzola (Padova, Italy), curated by Enrica Feltracco, Massimiliano Sabbion, Matteo Vanzan, 29th September-28th October 2018.
The Storm (videoinstallation), Festival Vidéoformes - Digital Arts, Clermont-Ferrand (France), curated by Gabriel Soucheyre, 14th-31st March 2018.
Post Rebis (single-screen), within the exhibition “Back to the Post Future”, Spazio Ridotto, Venice (Italy), organized by Zuecca Project Space, curated by The Photophore and Athens Digital Arts Festival, 19th January – 16th February 2018.
Persona (videoinstallation), within the exhibition “Vaticinio”, Museo Macro Testaccio, Rome (Italy), curated by Veronica D’Auria and Lino Strangis, 31st October – 4th November 2017.
Post Rebis (single-screen), within the exhibition “Miracles”, De Romeinse Katakomben, Valkenburg (The Netherlansd), curated by Ana Frangovska, Benoit Piret e Maureen Bachaus, 18th-25th October 2017.
I Am Your Database (videoinstallation), within the exhibition “Arte e tecnologia: arte contemporanea italiana”, Museum Lan Wan, Qingdao (China), curated by Riccardo Farinelli, 23th September-31st October 2017.
Electric Self (videoinstallation), Asolo Art Film Festival (Italy), curated by Valentina Bigolin, 14th-17th September 2017.
Cross Fade (photo-videoinstallation), within the bi-personal with Eleonora Manca, Castello dei Principi d’Acaja, Chiesa di San Giuseppe, Fossano (Italy), curated by Carla Palazzo, 8th-24th September 2017.
A Secret Place (videoinstallation), Pinacoteca e Museo Civico di Volterra (Italy), curated by Eleonora Raspi, 8th GJune-2nd July 2017.
Particular, (videoinstallation), artist residence at Montegemoli (Italy), curated by Eleonora Raspi, 3rd June-2nd July 2017.
A Secret Place, solo exhibition (photo-videoinstallation), Paolo Tonin Arte Contemporanea, Torino (Italy), 30th March-28th April 2017.
Inconsci tecnologici (video retrospective), Spazio Oberdan, Milano (Italy), Invideo Mostra Internazionale di Video e Cinema Oltre, curated by Sandra Lischi,18th November 2016.
In the Cave (of Technology) (single-screen), Museo La Neomudéjar, Madrid (Spain), within the exhibition “Cruces y Convergencias by. Videosdeautor”, curated by Cecilia Canal, 15th September – 13rd November 2016.
Black Data (photo-videoinstallation), Centro Arte Contemporanea Palazzo Tagliaferro, Andora (Italy), within the exhibition “Mutamenti. Sguardi sulla società digitale”, curated by Maurizio Marco Tozzi, 25th June – 7th July 2016.
Anywhere Out of the World (single-screen), Quartiere Arabo, Caltanissetta (Italy), within the exhibition “Estrazione-Astrazione” curated by Annarita Borrelli and Salvatore Cammilleri, 22nd – 24th July 2016.
Anatomy Theater (single-screen), Accademia di Belle Arti, Bologna (Italy), within the exhibition “Le regole del corpo. Norma e arbitrio”, curated by Piero Deggiovanni, Valeria Roncuzzi and Camilla Roversi Monaco, 20th May – 30th June 2016.
The Web (single-screen), Loggia della Mercanzia, Genova (Italy), within the exhibition “Other Identity. Altre forme di identità culturali e pubbliche”, curated by Francesco Arena, 8th February – 5th March 2016.
Future(ism) e OR (with Eleonora Manca) (single-screen), Camara Municipal de Alcobaca (Portugal) within the exhibition “Transborda-Overflow” , curated by Roberto Guerreiro, 1st – 10 June 2015.
Shooting Kennedy (single-screen) Photology, Milano (italy), within the exhibition “LAST – Opere recenti nella vita di JFK e JKO”, curated by Davide Faccioli, 22nd November 2012 – 31st January 2013.
Black Data (single-screen), Osnago, within the exhibition “La voce del corpo”, a cura di OLO Art, 8th– 23th June 2013.
The Waiting Room – Echoes (Installation), with Eleonora Manca, Paolo Tonin Contemporary Art, Torino, (Italy), 14th February – 22nd March 2013.
Out of Body (videoinstallation), Complesso Monumentale, Catanzaro (Italy), within the exhibition “Corpo elettronico fra materia, segno e sogno”, curated by Andrea La Porta e Gianluca Marziani, 11th February – 25 April 2012.
Bloodstream, Cover Dalì, Underskin (single-screen), casa di Célin Carbonell, Roma (Italy), within the exhibition “Casa mostra-House Party”, a cura di Kora Diffusione Culturale, 2012.
Coniunctio (single-screen), Maumau Underground, Barcellona (Spain), Weart Festival, curated by Macu Moran, 2012.
The Waiting Room – Shadows (installation), with Eleonora Manca, Hangar di Palazzo Leonardo, Torino (Italy), curated by Roberto Vaio e Patrizia Fischer, 2012.
Electric Self Anthology (single-screen); Stazione Leopolda, Pisa (Italy), nell’ambito della mostra “Sentiments”, curated by Associazione NM+, 5th January – 28th February 2012.
Bloodstream (single-screen), Tunnel Gallery (Levanto-Bonassola, Italy), Laura Film Festival, curated by dell’Associazione Laura Morandini, 20th - 31st July 2011.
Out of Body solo exhibition (photo-videoinstallation), Hangar di Palazzo Leonardo, Torino (Italy), curated by Roberto Vaio e Patrizia Fischer, 6th – 10th July 2011.
Electric Self Anthology (single-screen), Spazio Eventiquattro, Milano (Italy), within the exhibition “Arte Accessibile Milano” nell’ambito della mostra “Videotour”, curated by Mariella Casile, 7th – 10th April 2011.
Zil Zelub, Buzzelliades (single-screen), Palazzo Guinigi, Lucca (Italy), within the exhibition “Guido Buzzelli, frammenti dell’assurdo”, curated by Grazia Buzzelli, 22nd October 2011 – 31st January 2012 .
Infinite Star, Infinite Joe, (single-screen), Photology, Milano (Italy), within the exhibition “Hendrix Now”, curated by Davide Faccioli, 15th September - 19th November 2011.
Croma Soma (videoinstallation), Ten Gales Gallery (London), within the exhibition “Creatures”, curated by Antria Pelekanou, 11st – 28th November 2010.
Electric Self Anthology (single-screen), Teatro Municipal Sao Luiz, Lisbona (Portugal), Inshadow Festival, curated by Ana Rita Barata, 2009.
Cover Dalì (single-screen), Museo Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona (Switzerland), within the exhibition “Videoderive dell'arte 2-dallo stupore allo sguardo impuro”, curated by Adriano Kestenholz, 25th July - 23rd August 2009.
Electric Self Anthology (single-screen), Hiddenclub (London) within the exhibition “Act Art 7 Children of the Damned”, curated by Oliver Frost e Marc Massive, 2009.
Croma Soma (videoinstallation), Ex Manifattura Tabacchi, Lucca (Italy), within the exhibition “Luci di corpi”, curated by Elena Marcheschi and Fabio Bertini, 22nd – 30th May 2009.
Electric Self Anthology (single-screen), Staranzano (Italy), within the exhibition “Arteduemilaotto – Itinerari possibili”, curated by Franco Milani and Nicoletta Leghissa, 2008.
The Web, Flesh Paths (single-screen), Museo della Città di Collegno (Italy), within the exhibition “Daimon 2”, curated by Associazione Paradigma, 23rd November – 14th December 2007.
Croma Soma, (videoinstallation), Galleria LipanjePuntin, Trieste (Italy), within the exhibition “Wonderful”, curated by Maria Campitelli, 1st – 15th June 2006.
Spoon River (videoinstallation), Spazio Oberdan, Milano (Italy), within the exhibition “Techne 5. Fra arte e tecnologia. L’immagine infinita. Schermi, visioni, azioni”, curated by Romano Fattorossi, 28th Otober 2005 – 26th February 2006.
A Flash of Art (videoinstallation) Palazzo Venezia, Roma (Italy), within the exhibition “Flash of Art: fotografi d’azione a Roma 1953-1973”, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva, 11st June – 3rd October 2004.
Croma Soma (single-screen), San Vito al Tagliamento (Italy), within the exhibition “Hic et Nunc”, curated by Angelo Bertani, 19th June – 25th july 2004.
Squarci di buio , solo exhibition, (photo-videoinstallation), ORSA, Torino (Italy), curated by Edoardo Fadini, 2001.
Fuochi Fatui (videoinstallation), Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Torino (Italy), curated by Edoardo Fadini, Festival Golem, 1999.
Fuochi Fatui (videoinstallation), S. Maria della Scala, Siena (Italy), curated by Tiziana Tarquini, Festival Visionaria, 1998.
Solo per i tuoi occhi (videoinstallation) Photology, Milano (Italy), within the exhibition “Tazio Secchiaroli The Original Paparazzo”, curated by Davide Faccioli, 1996.
Materia Grigia (videoinstallation), Ippopotamo ZooMusicBar, Torino (Italy), curated by Ivano Badandy, 1994.
Trancemedia (videoinstallation), Hiroshima Mon Amour, Torino (Italy), curated by Fabrizio Gargarone, 1993.
Io so (videoinstallation), Hiroshima Mon Amour, Torino (Italy), curated by Fabrizio Gargarone 1990.
La Colazione di Nico (videoinstallation), Atrio del Cinema Centrale, Torino (Italy), Festival Cinema Giovani, curated by Steve Della Casa, 1990.
VIDEOART (single-screen videos)
Long Ago, 19’33’’
Allegorithmic, 5’30’’
Body of Art, 7’33’’
The Stage of Flesh, 7’30’’
Flesh Paths (2007-2024), 6’44’’
The Music Box, 4’08’’
Pictures at an Exhibition, 4’45’’
Wetware, 6’27’
The Tower of Self, 2’43’’
The Bytes Dreams are Made of, 67’
In Your Room, 2’26’’
In-Between, 07’09’’
Re-make Re-model, 04’30’’
Memory Frame, 7’46’’
Led3Times, 2’53’’
Transient, 2’54’’
The Glitch and the Fire, 06’20’’
Aquiring the Form (loop)
Imprinting (loop)
Ballet de la nuit (Sabbath), 24’
Ballet de la nuit (Sabbath), 60’
Shedding (2010-2018), 6’48’’
Mystical Surgery (loop)
Cryogenesis (loop)
Steel Shadows (loop)
The Shout (loop)
Discussion on Death (2006-2018)
Fear of Me (2008-2017), 6’15’’
Desire Machines (6 loop)
Last Call (loop)
Living Apart (loop)
Post-Muybridge (loop)
Post Rebis, 3’39’’
Electric Self (2006-2016), 4’12’’
Danse Macabre, 4’47’’
Phoenix, loop
Afterlife, loop
The Tower, loop
Stage Venus, loop
Amniotica, loop
I Am Your Database, 5’35’’
Desorder, loop
Future(ism), 2’32’’
In the Cave (of Technology), (special price Premio Videoarte Cosua - Italy), 5’38’’
Black Data, 4’00’’
Anatomy Theater, 3’30’’
Coniunctio II (La petite mort), 2’
Coniunctio, 2’30’’
Concert for Shadows 1-10, 14’25’’
Concert for Shadows 11-14, 4’00’’
A Secret Place, 4’
Buzzelliades, loop
Zil Zelub, loop
Infinite Star, loop
Infinite Joe, loop
Shedding, 7'
Pagan Inner, (winner at Magmart Festival, broadcast on Sky Arte HD), 6’30’’
A Tell-Tale Heart, 3'30'''
Bloodstream, 7'30''
Underskin, 5’
2008 Fear of Me, 7’
Not with a Bang, (1° price Festival Visionaria - Italy), Babelgum Film Festival - USA, Madatac - Spain), 4’
Greetings from Hell, 4’
Spoon River (dvd-book version, Ed. Kaplan, Torino, Italy), 70'
Anywhere out of the World, 5’
Discussion on Death, 7’
Flesh Paths, 7’
The Web, 7’
Zero Gravity, 7’
Cover Dalì, 13’
In the Beginning, 4’
Electric Self, (1° price Festival Optica - Spain), 5’
Zero Gravity, 7’
Croma Soma, loop (loop)
Spoon River (complete version), (broadcast on La 25 Ora, LA7), 90’
Glocal, 12 x 3’, (broadcast on RAI 3)
Spoon River 3 (excerpts), 35’
Spoon River 2 (excerpts), 25’
Spoon River 1 (excerpts), (1° price Scrittura e Immagine - Italy), 25’
Spiriti liberi, 13’
Solo per i tuoi occhi, (1° price Civitanova video - Italy, Berlino-Taranto Festival - Germany-Italy, e Antalya Golden Orange Festival - Turkey), 10’
Cattedrali della memoria, (1° price Arte in video - Italy, broadcast on TV Capodistria, SeiMilano,e Fuori Orario, RAI 3), 7’
Acheronthia Atropos, con Nicoletta Polledro, (2° price Festival Internazionale Cinema Giovani - Italy), 4’
Illuminazioni - Arthur Rimbaud, (priced at Videopresenze - Italy, Electronie d’arte e altre scritture - Italy), 20’
Kiki kali, with Giuseppe Randazzo,(broadcast on VIDEOMUSIC, RAISAT1), 6’
Casa matta, with Katia Beltrame, (broadcast on SeiMilano, Fuori Orario, RAI 3), 5’
Decoder (3° price Videomiserie - Italy, special price Anteprima per il Cinema Indipendente Italiano - Italy, special price Visionaria - Italy), 5’
Non ti preoccupare piccola, andrà tutto bene (with NicolettaPolledro e Daniele Galliano),(broadcast on Fuori Orario, RAI3), 3’
Crash, (broadcast on RAISAT1), 1’
Senz'altro sentire, 8'
Voci di donna, 7'’
Nacht, 8'
La notte dentro, (broadcast on Maratona d'estate, RAI1 e Tortuga DSE, RAI3), 15’
L'urlo, (1° price Videokids - Italy, Videopresenze - Italy, broadcast on RAI3, Canale 5 e RAISAT1), 1’
Fantasmi, (1° price Videopresenze, broadcast on RAI3 e RAISAT1), 5’
1990 Transiti, (broadcast on Fuori Orario RAI3), 15’
Materia grigia, (1° price Videokids), 6’
Odio, 3'
Idrogenesi, 30'
Ultimatum, Som.1, 6’, 2023
Something Flash, Insider, 5’39’’, 2023
Bapteme, Paul Roux, 5’18’’, 2022
Nobody Screams, PROGedia, 6’30’’, 2022
Down, PROGedia, 5’00’’, 2021
We Are the Night, PROGedia, 5’00’’, 2021
Love Song, Roulette Cinese, (broadcast on Match Music, Music Box, All Music), 3’00’’, 2008
Kid C, Roulette Cinese, 3’00’’, 2008
Io non conosco le cause della morte, Roulette Cinese, 5’00’’, 2008
Banalmente dipendente, Roulette Cinese, 6’00’’, 2008
Che fine ha fatto Baby Love? (visual album), Roulette Cinese, 50’, 2003
Let the Panic Begin Death SS, 60’, 2001
Let the Sabbath Begin, Death SS, 3’00’’, 2000
Scarlet Woman, Death SS, (broadcast on MTV Europe e da TMC2), 5’50’’, 1998
Baron Samedi, Death SS, (broadcast on MTV Europe e da TMC2), 6’06’’, 1998
The Awakening of the Beast, Death SS, 3’00’’, 1988
Fools and Dolts, Sadist, (broadcast on MTV Europe)1996
Tribe, Sadist, 3’30’’, 1995
FASHION FILMS (MIST: Alessandro Amaducci, Eleonora Manca)
Maatroom , 3’00’’, 2108
Black Widow , 2’24’’, 2015
White Gothic, 3’06’’, 2015
OR , 2’55’’, 2015
Cracovia-Torino, fabbriche di cultura (with Davide Ferrario), 30’, 2004
l linguaggio della televisione (with Sandra Lischi), 38’, 2001
Antonio Gramsci, gli anni torinesi, (with Daniele Gaglianone and Paola Olivetti) (1° premio Videoland), 30’, 1997
Dybbuk, memorie dei campi (special price Festival del Documentario Libero Bizzarri - Italy ), 30’, 1996
Le stagioni della Resistenza (with Claudio Cormio, Paola Franchi, Daniele Gaglianone, Paolo Gobetti, Paola Olivetti), 120’
Cinecronache partigiane (with Daniele Gaglianone, Paolo Gobetti, Paola Olivetti), 45’, 1995
Arrigo Lora-Totino, il teatro della parola (1° price Scrittura e Immagine - Italy, broadcast on Planète), 30’, 1995
ll giudizio di Norimberga, (2° price Festival Cinema Giovani, special price Festival del Documentario Libero Bizzarri - Italy), 36', 1994
La frusta teatrale. Piero Gobetti e il teatro a Torino (with Ernaldo Data e Piero Gobetti), 28’, 1993
Aleph-Taw, memorie dello sterminio (1° price Festival del documentario Libero Bizzarri - Italy), 36', 1993
Work in progress (special price Videopresenze - Italy), 30', 1991
Electric Self Anthology (live video by Alessandro Amaducci); Porta degli Angeli, Ferrara (Italy), 2011
Shining Shadows (live video di Alessandro Amaducci), Hiroshima Mon Amour Torino (Italy), 2010
Prozess- Il processo (videoscenography for the theater show by Massimo Giovara), Cavallerizza Reale (Italy), 2009
Trancedroid ( videoscenography for the dance show by Paola Chiama), Casa del Teatro Ragazzi e Giovani, Torino (Italy), 2009
Ex (videoscenography for the dance show by Giuliana Urciuoli), various locations (Italy), 2008
Orizzontale quasi verticale ( videoscenography for the concert by concerto di Mirco Marchelli-Due Sotto l’Ombrello), Loggia di San Sebastiano, Ovada (Italy), 2007
L’adriatico addosso (omaggio a Pericle Fazzini) ( videoscenography for the theater show by Paola Chiama and Piergiorgio Cinì), Teatro Mercantini, Ripatransone (Italy), 2007
La vita vera comincerà domani (dedicato a Salvador Dalì) ( videoscenography for the theater show by Paola Chiama and Doriana Crema), Teatro Annibal Caro, Civitanova Marche (Italy), 2005
Spoon River (live video by Alessandro Amaducci), Palazzo Cavour, Torino (Italy), 2005
The Real Doll (videoscenography for the dance show by Paola Chiama), various locations (Italy), 2005
Cartoline dall’inferno (live video by Alessandro Amaducci and Fabrizio Gargarone), Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino (Italy), 2004
Attacco Psichico (live video by Alessandro Amaducci) Forte di Vinadio, Cuneo (Italy), 2003
Cartoline dall’inferno (live video by Alessandro Amaducci and Fabrizio Gargarone), Hiroshima Mon Amour, Torino, (Italy) 2003
Hitler Garden (live video by Alessandro Amaducci and Fabrizio Gargarone), Hiroshima Mon Amour, Torino (Italy), 2003
Corpi elettrici (live video by Alessandro Amaducci), Hiroshima Mon Amour, Torino (Italy), 2003
Attacco Psichico (live video by Alessandro Amaducci), Hiroshima Mon Amour, Torino (Italy), 2002
Solo (live video for the concert by Sainkho Namtchylak), Hiroshima Mon Amour, Torino (Italy), 2002
Schermi di luce (live video by Alessandro Amaducci), Piazza S. Bernardino, Torino,, (Italy) 2002
Yelì la voce della foresta (live video for the concert by Mauro Campagnoli), Piccolo Teatro di Milano (Italy), 2001
Q33NYUSA (live video by Alessandro Amaducci and Motor), Hiroshima Mon Amour, Torino (Italy), 2001
Il funanmbolo, ( videoscenography for the theater show by Laura Sicignano) Teatro Garage, Genova (Italy), 2000
MGZ Dance Party (live video for the concert by di MGZ), Hiroshima Mon Amour, Torino (Italy), 1999
Sette Preghiere per il culto del pianeta (videoscenography for the concert by Giuseppe Zambon), Teatro Juvarra, Torino (Italy), 1997
Alcina (videoscenography for the theater show by Giuseppe Zambon and Ezio Bosso), Teatro Juvarra, Torino (Italy), 1997
Il Minotauro ( videoscenography for the dance show by Alessandro Amaducci, Irene Pulzoni and Domenico Sciajno), Teatro Juvarra, Torino (Italy), 1996