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La caverna illuminata
La Caverna Illuminata è una videoinstallazione immersiva allestita nel Cortile del Rettorato dell’Università di Torino.
Il Cortile del Rettorato si trasforma in una sorta di caverna dove i saperi prendono la forma di ombre luminose che percorrono tutti i lati dell'architettura, immergendo il pubblico in una vorticosa danza di immagini e musica che diventa sorgente di conoscenza.
Dal 21 Dicembre 2021 al 9 Gennaio 2022. Inaugurazione 21 Dicembre 2021 ore 18.00.
Lunedì-giovedì 18.00-20.00.
Venerdì, sabato e domenica 18.00-23.00
Uni_Verso. Università degli Studi di Torino.
The Illuminated Cave is a immersive videoinstallation set up in the Courtyard of the Rectorate of the University of Torino (Italy).
The Courtyard of the Rectorate of the University of Torino is transformed into a sort of cave where knowledge takes the form of luminous shadows that run through all sides of the architecture, immersing the public in a swirling dance of images and music that becomes a source of knowledge.
From Decembre 21 , 2021, to January 9, 2022. Inauguration December 21, 6.00 p.m.
Monday-thursday 6.00 p.m.-8.00 p.m.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 6.00 p.m.-11.00 p.m.
Uni_Verso. University of Torino (Italy).
Il Cortile del Rettorato si trasforma in una sorta di caverna dove i saperi prendono la forma di ombre luminose che percorrono tutti i lati dell'architettura, immergendo il pubblico in una vorticosa danza di immagini e musica che diventa sorgente di conoscenza.
Dal 21 Dicembre 2021 al 9 Gennaio 2022. Inaugurazione 21 Dicembre 2021 ore 18.00.
Lunedì-giovedì 18.00-20.00.
Venerdì, sabato e domenica 18.00-23.00
Uni_Verso. Università degli Studi di Torino.
The Illuminated Cave is a immersive videoinstallation set up in the Courtyard of the Rectorate of the University of Torino (Italy).
The Courtyard of the Rectorate of the University of Torino is transformed into a sort of cave where knowledge takes the form of luminous shadows that run through all sides of the architecture, immersing the public in a swirling dance of images and music that becomes a source of knowledge.
From Decembre 21 , 2021, to January 9, 2022. Inauguration December 21, 6.00 p.m.
Monday-thursday 6.00 p.m.-8.00 p.m.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 6.00 p.m.-11.00 p.m.
Uni_Verso. University of Torino (Italy).

Inshadow-Lisbon Screendance Festival
Nell’ambito di Inshadow-Lisbon Screendance Festival, sarà presentata una retrospettiva dei miei lavori di videoarte e danza. Cisterna FBAUL, Lisbona (Portogallo), 13-17 Dicembre 2021. A cura di Pedro Senna Nunes e Ana Barata.
A retrospective of my videoart and dance works will be screened at Inshadow-Lisbon Screendance Festival. Cisterna FBAUL, Lisbon (Portugal), December 13th-17th, 2021. Curated by Pedro Senna Nunes and Ana Barata.
A retrospective of my videoart and dance works will be screened at Inshadow-Lisbon Screendance Festival. Cisterna FBAUL, Lisbon (Portugal), December 13th-17th, 2021. Curated by Pedro Senna Nunes and Ana Barata.

Interface Videoart Festival
Memory Frame fa parte del programma di Interface Videoart Festival, Zagabria (Croazia), online, 14-18 Dicembre 2021.
Memory Frame will be screened at Interface Videoart Festival, Zagreb (Croatia), online, December 14th-18th, 2021.
Memory Frame will be screened at Interface Videoart Festival, Zagreb (Croatia), online, December 14th-18th, 2021.

Festival International de Danse Animée
In Your Room fa parte della selezione video del Festival International de Danse Animée, online, 5-12 Dicembre 2021.
In Your Room will be screened at Festival International de Danse Animée, online, 5-12 Dicember 5th-21st, 2021.
In Your Room will be screened at Festival International de Danse Animée, online, 5-12 Dicember 5th-21st, 2021.

Audiovisual Frontiers
Discussion on Death fa parte della mostra online Audiovisual Frontiers, curata da Paulo C. Chagas e Nikolay Maslov per il dipartimento Audiovisual Music dell'Università della California, UCR Arts, USA. Inaugurazione: 20 Novembre 2021.
Discussion on Death will be exhibited at he group show online Audiovisual Frontiers, curated by Paulo C. Chagas and Nikolay Maslov for the Audiovisual Music Department of the University of California, UCR Arts, USA. Inauguration: November 20th, 2021.
Discussion on Death will be exhibited at he group show online Audiovisual Frontiers, curated by Paulo C. Chagas and Nikolay Maslov for the Audiovisual Music Department of the University of California, UCR Arts, USA. Inauguration: November 20th, 2021.

ROS FIlm Festival
Remake Remodel fa parte del programma del ROS FIlm Festival, Alicante (Spagna), 12-21 Novembre 2021.
Remake Remodel will be screened at ROS Film Festival, Alicante (Spain), November 12nd-21st, 2021.
Remake Remodel will be screened at ROS Film Festival, Alicante (Spain), November 12nd-21st, 2021.

Miraban Arts Showcase III
Remake Remodel è fra i vincitori di Miraban Arts Showcase III Season 2021-2022.
Remake Remodel is among the winners of Miraban Arts Showcase III Season 2021-2022.
Remake Remodel is among the winners of Miraban Arts Showcase III Season 2021-2022.

Animae Caribe International Animation & Digital Media Festival
Remake Remodel fa parte del programma di Animae Caribe International Animation & Digital Media Festival, Caraibi, 28-31 Ottobre 2021.
Remake Remodel will be screened at Animae Caribe International Animation & Digital Media Festival, Caribbean, October 28th-31st, 2021.
Remake Remodel will be screened at Animae Caribe International Animation & Digital Media Festival, Caribbean, October 28th-31st, 2021.

The Arlington International Film Festival
Led/3Times fa parte del programma di The Arlington International Film Festival, USA, dal 4 al 14 Novembre 2021.
Led/3Times will be screened at The Arlington International Film Festival, USA, November 4th-14th, 2021.
Led/3Times will be screened at The Arlington International Film Festival, USA, November 4th-14th, 2021.

DMJ International Dance Film Festival
The Glitch and the Fire fa parte del programma di DMJ International Dance Film Festival, Giappone (on line), dal 3 Novembre al 29 Dicembre 2021.
The Glitch and the Fire will be screened at DMJ International Dance Film Festival, Japan (on line), November 3rd-December 29th, 2021.
The Glitch and the Fire will be screened at DMJ International Dance Film Festival, Japan (on line), November 3rd-December 29th, 2021.

Transborda 3-Overflow
Transient fa parte della mostra Transborda 3-Overflow, a cura di Alberto Guerreiro, Alcobaça (Portogallo), dal 1 al 21 Novembre 2021.
Transient will be exhibited at the group show Transborda 3-Overflow, curated by Alberto Guerreiro, Alcobaça (Portugal), November 1st-21st, 2021.
Transient will be exhibited at the group show Transborda 3-Overflow, curated by Alberto Guerreiro, Alcobaça (Portugal), November 1st-21st, 2021.

Transgression Art + Technology
Led/3Times fa parte della mostra on line Transgression Art + Technology, padiglione curato da Hernando Hurrutia della quinta edizione di The Wrong Biennale, inaugurazione 1 Novembre 2021.
Led/3Times will be exhibited at the group show on line Transgression Art + Technology, pavilion curatd by Hernando Hurrutia of the 5th edition of The Wrong Biennale, opening November 1st, 2021.
Led/3Times will be exhibited at the group show on line Transgression Art + Technology, pavilion curatd by Hernando Hurrutia of the 5th edition of The Wrong Biennale, opening November 1st, 2021.

Latest Visions
Pagan Inner fa parte del programma del Festival Latest Visions, trasmesso da una serie di canali televisivi di Belfast (Irlanda), Glasgow (Scozia), Kent, Nottingham e Sheffield (inghilterra) dal 29 Ottobre al 7 Novembre 2021.
Pagan Inner is in the program of the Festival Latest Visions, broadcast in various tv stations in Belfast (Ireland), Glasgow (Scotland), Kent, Nottingham and Sheffield (England), October 29th-November 7th, 2021.
Pagan Inner is in the program of the Festival Latest Visions, broadcast in various tv stations in Belfast (Ireland), Glasgow (Scotland), Kent, Nottingham and Sheffield (England), October 29th-November 7th, 2021.

International Meeting on Video-Dance and Video-Performance-Festival International de Vidéo Danse de Bourgogne
Memory Frame fa parte del programma di International Meeting on Video-Dance and Video-Performance, Valencia, Spagna, e del Festival International de Vidéo Danse de Bourgogne, Francia, dal 23 al 28 Ottobre 2021.
Memory Frame will be screened at International Meeting on Video-Dance and Video-Performance, Valencia, Spain, and at Festival International de Vidéo Danse de Bourgogne, France, October 23rd-28th, 2021.
Memory Frame will be screened at International Meeting on Video-Dance and Video-Performance, Valencia, Spain, and at Festival International de Vidéo Danse de Bourgogne, France, October 23rd-28th, 2021.

This Show is Curated by a Machine
Black Data fa parte della mostra online This Show is Curated by a Machine, Museum of Wild and Newfangled Art, dal 23 Settembre 2021 al 31 Gennaio 2022. Team intelligenza artificiale: IV, cari ann shim sham e Joey Zaza.
Black Data will be exhibited at This Show is Curated by a Machine, Museum of Wild and Newfangled Art, September 23rd, 2021, January 31st, 2022. Artifical Intelligence team: IV, cari ann shim sham e Joey Zaza.
Black Data will be exhibited at This Show is Curated by a Machine, Museum of Wild and Newfangled Art, September 23rd, 2021, January 31st, 2022. Artifical Intelligence team: IV, cari ann shim sham e Joey Zaza.

Bideodromo International Experimental Film and Video Festival
Remake Remodel fa parte del programma di Bideodromo International Experimental Film and Video Festival, Bilbao, Spagna, 28 Settembre-7 Ottobre 2021.
Remake Remodel will be screened at Bideodromo International Experimental Film and Video Festival, Bilbao, Spain, September 28th - October 7th, 2021.
Remake Remodel will be screened at Bideodromo International Experimental Film and Video Festival, Bilbao, Spain, September 28th - October 7th, 2021.

Thessaloniki Cinedance International Festival
In Your Room fa parte del programma di Thessaloniki Cinedance International Festival, Grecia, 24-26 Settembre 2021.
In Your Room will be screened at Thessaloniki Cinedance International Festival, Greece, September 24th-26th, 2021.
In Your Room will be screened at Thessaloniki Cinedance International Festival, Greece, September 24th-26th, 2021.

Experimental Superstars International Film Festival
Pagan Inner fa parte del programma di Experimental Superstars International Film Festival, Serbia, 10-11 Novembre 2021.
Pagan Inner will be screened at Experimental Superstars International Film Festival, Serbia, November 10th-11st, 2021.
Pagan Inner will be screened at Experimental Superstars International Film Festival, Serbia, November 10th-11st, 2021.

London International Screendance Festival
Memory Frame fa parte del programma del London International Screendance Festival, Laban Theater, London, 23-24 Settembre 2021.
Memory Frame will be screened at London International Screendance Festival, Laban Theater, London, September 23rd-24th, 2021.
Memory Frame will be screened at London International Screendance Festival, Laban Theater, London, September 23rd-24th, 2021.

Athens Digital Arts Festival - Tactus
In Your Room e Remake Remodel fanno parte del programma Animazione del Athens Digital Arts Festival - Tactus, Grecia, 20 Settembre - 31 Ottobre 2021.
In Your Room and Remake Remodel will be screened at the Animation Section at Athens Digital Arts Festival - Tactus, Greece, September 20th - October 31st, 2021.
In Your Room and Remake Remodel will be screened at the Animation Section at Athens Digital Arts Festival - Tactus, Greece, September 20th - October 31st, 2021.

Cine@Art Festival
Transient fa parte del programma di Cine@Art Festival, Grecia, 1-5 Settembre 2021.
Transient will be screened at Cine@Art Festival, Greece, September 1st-5th, 2021.
Transient will be screened at Cine@Art Festival, Greece, September 1st-5th, 2021.

Encuentro Para Cinéfagos - Festival de Cinearte en la Frontera
Remake Remodel e In Your Room fanno parte del programma di Encuentro Para Cinéfagos - Festival de Cinearte en la Frontera, San Cristobal, Venezuela, dal 18 al 22 Agosto 2021.
Remake Remodel and In Your Room will be screened at Encuentro Para Cinéfagos - Festival de Cinearte en la Frontera, San Cristobal, Venezuela, August 18th-22nd,2021.
Remake Remodel and In Your Room will be screened at Encuentro Para Cinéfagos - Festival de Cinearte en la Frontera, San Cristobal, Venezuela, August 18th-22nd,2021.

Proxy Act Short Film Festival
Il video Remake Remodel verrà proiettato a Proxy Act Short Film Festival, Schönow (Germania), 7-14 Luglio 2021.
The video Remake Remodel will be screened at Proxy Act Short Film Festival, Schönow (Germany), July 7th-14th, 2021.
The video Remake Remodel will be screened at Proxy Act Short Film Festival, Schönow (Germany), July 7th-14th, 2021.

Hallucinea Film Festival
Fear fo Me e In Your Room fanno parte del programma di Hallucinea Film Festival, Parigi, 21 Giugno 2021.
Fear of me and In Your Room will be screened at Hallucinea Film Festival, Paris, June 21st, 2021.
Fear of me and In Your Room will be screened at Hallucinea Film Festival, Paris, June 21st, 2021.

Glitch is the Soul in the Machine
Il video Discussion on Death sarà esibito nella mostra, curata da Mark Amerika, Glitch is the Soul in the Machine, per la Digital Media and Arts Association Conference, Winona State University, USA, dal 24 al 27 Giugno 2021.
The video Discussion on Death will be exhibited in the group show, curated by Mark Amerika, Glitch is the Soul in the Machine, for the Digital Media and Arts Association Conference, Winona State University, USA, June 24th-27th, 2021.
The video Discussion on Death will be exhibited in the group show, curated by Mark Amerika, Glitch is the Soul in the Machine, for the Digital Media and Arts Association Conference, Winona State University, USA, June 24th-27th, 2021.

XIV Instanbul International Architecture and Urban Films
Remake Remodel fa parte del programma animazione del XIV Instanbul International Architecture and Urban Films, Turchia, 7-12 Dicembre 2020.
Remake Remodel will be screened at the animation section XIV Instanbul International Architecture and Urban Films, Turkey, December 7th-12nd, 2020.
Remake Remodel will be screened at the animation section XIV Instanbul International Architecture and Urban Films, Turkey, December 7th-12nd, 2020.

IMARP - Mostra Internacional de Dança - Imagens em Movimento
Led3 Times e Memory Frame fanno parte del programma di IMARP - Mostra Internacional de Dança - Imagens em Movimento - Vídeo Dança, San Paolo (Brasile), 6-12 Dicembre 2020.
Led3 Times e Memory Frame fanno parte del programma di IMARP - Mostra Internacional de Dança - Imagens em Movimento - Vídeo Dança, Sao Paulo (Brasil), Decembre 6th-12nd, 2020.
Led3 Times e Memory Frame fanno parte del programma di IMARP - Mostra Internacional de Dança - Imagens em Movimento - Vídeo Dança, Sao Paulo (Brasil), Decembre 6th-12nd, 2020.

!Flick! Experimental Short Film Festival
Transient fa parte del programma di !Flick! Experimental Short Film Festival, Greensboro, USA, 2 Dicembre 2020.
Transient will be screened at !Flick! Experimental Short Film Festival, Greensboro, USA, December 2nd, 2020.
Transient will be screened at !Flick! Experimental Short Film Festival, Greensboro, USA, December 2nd, 2020.

Cinetoro Experimental Film Festival
Transient fa parte del programma CinetoroArt di Cinetoro Experimental Film Festival, Colombia, 24-29 Novembre 2020.
Transient will be screened in the program CinetoroArt at Cinetoro Experimental Film Festival, Colombia, November 24th-29th, 2020.
Transient will be screened in the program CinetoroArt at Cinetoro Experimental Film Festival, Colombia, November 24th-29th, 2020.

Festival Instants Vidéo Numériques et poétiques
La retrospettiva curata da Maurizio Marco Tozzi Tribute to Alessandro Amaducci, 30 Years of Videoart sarà in mostra al Festival Instants Vidéo Numériques et poétiques, Marsiglia, Francia, dal 12 al 15 Novembre 2020.
The Retrospective curated by Marizio Marco Tozzi Tribute to Alessandro Amaducci, 30 Years of Videoart will be exhibited at Festival Instants Vidéo Numériques et poétiques, Marseille, France, November 12nd-15th, 2020.
Hommage à Alessandro Amaducci (50’50) (Italie) / Une proposition de Maurizio Marco Tozzi (Festival Over the Real de Lucca, italie).
Alessandro Amaducci est l’un des artistes italiens les plus représentatifs de la scène internationale des arts contemporains, avec une vision des plus innovantes des relations entre l’art et les nouvelles technologies (œuvres audiovisuelles monobandes, installations vidéo, documentaires, vidéoclips, spectacles multimédias). Nombre de ses œuvres veulent suggérer l’envie d’entrer directement à l’intérieur d’une sorte d’inconscient électronique, dans une caverne d’ombre contaminée par les nouvelles technologies, où surgissent des fantômes vivants d’images, des formes archétypales, mais aussi des clichés « inattendus » de l’univers d’Internet, des figures qui flottent dans la mer du Net que nous recherchons et que nous téléchargeons sans souvent savoir pourquoi.
The Retrospective curated by Marizio Marco Tozzi Tribute to Alessandro Amaducci, 30 Years of Videoart will be exhibited at Festival Instants Vidéo Numériques et poétiques, Marseille, France, November 12nd-15th, 2020.
Hommage à Alessandro Amaducci (50’50) (Italie) / Une proposition de Maurizio Marco Tozzi (Festival Over the Real de Lucca, italie).
Alessandro Amaducci est l’un des artistes italiens les plus représentatifs de la scène internationale des arts contemporains, avec une vision des plus innovantes des relations entre l’art et les nouvelles technologies (œuvres audiovisuelles monobandes, installations vidéo, documentaires, vidéoclips, spectacles multimédias). Nombre de ses œuvres veulent suggérer l’envie d’entrer directement à l’intérieur d’une sorte d’inconscient électronique, dans une caverne d’ombre contaminée par les nouvelles technologies, où surgissent des fantômes vivants d’images, des formes archétypales, mais aussi des clichés « inattendus » de l’univers d’Internet, des figures qui flottent dans la mer du Net que nous recherchons et que nous téléchargeons sans souvent savoir pourquoi.

Inshadow - Lisbon Screendance Festival
In-Between fa parte di una proiezione speciale a Inshadow - Lisbon Screendance Festival, Lisbona, Portogallo, dal 20 Novembre al 13 Dicembre 2020.
In-Between will screend in a special projection at Lisbon Screendance Festival, November 20th- December 13rd, 2020.
In-Between will screend in a special projection at Lisbon Screendance Festival, November 20th- December 13rd, 2020.

International Limestone Coast Videoart Festival
Transient fa parte della programmazione di International Limestone Coast Videoart Festival, presso Riddoch & Main Corner Complex, Mount Gambier, South Australia, dal 6 Novembre al 6 Dicembre.
Transient will be exhibited at International Limestone Coast Videoart Festival, Riddoch & Main Corner Complex, Mount Gambier, South Australia, November 6th - December 6th, 2020.
Transient will be exhibited at International Limestone Coast Videoart Festival, Riddoch & Main Corner Complex, Mount Gambier, South Australia, November 6th - December 6th, 2020.

Image Play International Videoart Festival
Led3 Times, Transient e In The Cave (of Technology) fanno parte del programma di Image Play International Videoart Festival, Portogallo, 5-6 Novembre 2020.
Led3 Times, Transient and In The Cave (of Technology) will be screened at Image Play International Videoart Festival, Portugal, November 5th-6th, 2020.
Led3 Times, Transient and In The Cave (of Technology) will be screened at Image Play International Videoart Festival, Portugal, November 5th-6th, 2020.

Xsection Dance and Science Film Festival
Led3Times fa parte della programmazione di Xsection Dance and Science Film Festival, versione online, dal 30 Ottobre al 1 Novembre 2020.
Led3Times will be screened at Xsection Dance and Science Film Festival, online version, October 30th - November 1st, 2020.
Led3Times will be screened at Xsection Dance and Science Film Festival, online version, October 30th - November 1st, 2020.

Danzattack - Festival Internacional de Danza y Cinedanza
Internacional de Danza y Cinedanza (El Sauzal, Tenerife, Canarie, Spagna), 2-11 Ottobre 2020.
Memory Frame will be screened at Danzattack - Festival Internacional de Danza y Cinedanza (El Sauzal, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain), October 2nd-11th, 2020.
Memory Frame will be screened at Danzattack - Festival Internacional de Danza y Cinedanza (El Sauzal, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain), October 2nd-11th, 2020.

Athens Digital Arts Festival
Shedding vince il primo premio nella sezione Videoarte a Athens Digital Arts Festival.
Shedding wins the first prize in the Videoart Category at Athens Digital Arts Festival.
Shedding wins the first prize in the Videoart Category at Athens Digital Arts Festival.

Dancefilmfestival Brussels - L'art difficile de filmer la danse
Memory Frame fa parte della programmazione della nona edizione di International Dancefilmfestival Brussels - L'art difficile de filmer la danse, 2-4 Ottobre, Brussels.
Memory Frame will be screened at 9 International Dancefilmfestival Brussels - L'art difficile de filmer la danse, October 2nd-4th, 2020, Brussels.
Memory Frame will be screened at 9 International Dancefilmfestival Brussels - L'art difficile de filmer la danse, October 2nd-4th, 2020, Brussels.

Darkroom Film and AV Festival
Led3Times fa parte del programma di Darkroom Film and AV Festival, Londra, 25-27 Settembre 2020.
Led3Times will be screened at Darkroom Film and AV Festival, London, September 25th-27th, 2020.
Led3Times will be screened at Darkroom Film and AV Festival, London, September 25th-27th, 2020.

Share Festival
"Tribute to Alessandro Amaducci - 30 Years of Videoart": la retrospettiva video curata da Maurizio Marco Tozzi sarà in mostra, insieme alla videoinstallazione Desire Machines, presso Share Festival, Torino, inaugurazione 17 Settembre alle ore 18.30, apertura mostre alle ore 19.00, aperto dal 18 al 20 Settembre dalle ore 10 alle ore 19. Presso Toolbox, via Agostino da Montefeltro 2, Torino. Ingresso gratuito, si consiglia la prenotazione all'indirizzo
"Tribute to Alessandro Amaducci - 30 Years of Videoart":the video retrospective curated by Maurizio Marco Tozzi, together with the videoinstallation Desire Machines, will be exhibited at Share Festival, Torino (Italy). September 17th-20th, 2020.
"Tribute to Alessandro Amaducci - 30 Years of Videoart":the video retrospective curated by Maurizio Marco Tozzi, together with the videoinstallation Desire Machines, will be exhibited at Share Festival, Torino (Italy). September 17th-20th, 2020.

White Page Gallery
Post Rebis fa parte della mostra online "The Other Side" per White Page Gallery. A cura di Bob Georgeson. 14 Settembre - 31 Ottobre 2020.
Post Rebis will be exhibited at the online exhibition "The Other Side" at White Page Gallery. Curated by Bob Georgeson. September 14th - October 31st, 2020.
Post Rebis will be exhibited at the online exhibition "The Other Side" at White Page Gallery. Curated by Bob Georgeson. September 14th - October 31st, 2020.

Athens Digital Arts Festival
"Tribute to Alessandro Amaducci. 30 years of Videoart". Retrospettiva dei miei lavori curata da Maurizio Marco Tozzi.
Il video Shedding fa parte della sezione Videoart, curata da Eirini Olympiou.
La videoinstallazione e il progetto fotografico digitale Desire Machines fanno parte della sezione Digital Image, curata da Elli-Anna Peristeraki.
Il video The Glitch and the Fire fa parte della selezione “New Visions of the World” del festival di videoarte “Over the Real” curata da Maurzio Marco Tozzi.
Athens Digital Arts Festival. 10 Luglio - 10 Settembre 2020.
"Tribute to Alessandro Amaducci. 30 years of Videoart". Retrospective about wy video works curated by Maurizio Marco Tozzi.
The video Shedding is part of the section Videoart, curated by Eirini Olympiou.
The videoinstallation and digital photo project Desire Machines is part of the section Digital Image, curated by Elli-Anna Peristeraki.
The video The Glitch and the Fire is part of the selection “New Visions of the World” of the Festival “Over the Real” curated by Maurizio Marco Tozzi.
Athens Digital Arts Festival. July 10th - September 10th, 2020.
Il video Shedding fa parte della sezione Videoart, curata da Eirini Olympiou.
La videoinstallazione e il progetto fotografico digitale Desire Machines fanno parte della sezione Digital Image, curata da Elli-Anna Peristeraki.
Il video The Glitch and the Fire fa parte della selezione “New Visions of the World” del festival di videoarte “Over the Real” curata da Maurzio Marco Tozzi.
Athens Digital Arts Festival. 10 Luglio - 10 Settembre 2020.
"Tribute to Alessandro Amaducci. 30 years of Videoart". Retrospective about wy video works curated by Maurizio Marco Tozzi.
The video Shedding is part of the section Videoart, curated by Eirini Olympiou.
The videoinstallation and digital photo project Desire Machines is part of the section Digital Image, curated by Elli-Anna Peristeraki.
The video The Glitch and the Fire is part of the selection “New Visions of the World” of the Festival “Over the Real” curated by Maurizio Marco Tozzi.
Athens Digital Arts Festival. July 10th - September 10th, 2020.

International Dance Day of Unesco
Danse Macabre, realizzato per il progetto "Danses Macabres", promosso da Franck Boulègue e Marisa C. Hayes (Centre de Vidéodanse de Bourgogne), fa parte dei video proposti per International Dance Day of Unesco, 29 Aprile 2020. Grazie a Fran Eve Wright, direttrice del Club Vienna dell'Unesco.
Danse Macabre, realized for the project "Danses Macabres", initated by Franck Boulègue and Marisa C. Hayes (Centre de Vidéodanse de Bourgogne), is part of the proposed video for International Dance Day of Unesco, April 29th, 2020. Thanks to Fran Eve Wright, director of Unesco Club Vienna.
Danse Macabre, realized for the project "Danses Macabres", initated by Franck Boulègue and Marisa C. Hayes (Centre de Vidéodanse de Bourgogne), is part of the proposed video for International Dance Day of Unesco, April 29th, 2020. Thanks to Fran Eve Wright, director of Unesco Club Vienna.

Vidéformes-Festival International d'Arts Numériques
Discussion on Death fa parte della programmazione di Vidéformes-Festival International d'Arts Numériques, Clermont-Ferrand, 12-15 Marzo 2020.
Discussion on Death will be screened at Vidéformes-Festival International d'Arts Numériques, Clermont-Ferrand, March 12th-15th, 2020.
Discussion on Death will be screened at Vidéformes-Festival International d'Arts Numériques, Clermont-Ferrand, March 12th-15th, 2020.

Dunedin International Film Festival
Il video Fear of Me fa parte della programmazione del Dunedin International Film Festival, Florida (USA), 8-14 Gennaio 2020.
Fear of me will be screened at Dunedin International Film Festival, Florida (USA), January 8th-14th, 2020.
Fear of me will be screened at Dunedin International Film Festival, Florida (USA), January 8th-14th, 2020.

Wicklow ScreenDance Laboratory
Il Festival International de Vidéo Danse de Bourgogne ha chiamato 13 videoartisti e 13 musicisti per realizzare un'ora di videodanza ispirata al Ballet royal de la Nuit, originariamente messo in scena nel 1653 per Luigi XIV. L'opera collettiva, della durata di 12 ore come lo spettacolo originale, verrà esibita presso il Wicklow ScreenDance Laboratory, Irlanda, 2-3 Dicembre 2019. A cura di Franck Boulègue e Marisa C. Hayes.
Il mio segmento di un'ora è dedicato al Sabba e comprende la musica originale di Adrian Laugsch, la coreografia di Anna Maria Bruzzese e la danza di Stella Gelardi.
The International Video Dance Festival of Burgundy called 13 screendance creators and 13 musicians to realize one hour of videodance inspired by the Ballet royal de la Nuit, originally staged in 1653 for Louis XIV. This collective videowork, lasting 12 hours like the original show, will be exhibited at Wicklow ScreenDance Laboratory, Ireland, December 2nd-3rd, 2019. Curated by Franck Boulègue e Marisa C. Hayes.
My one-hour part is dedicated to the Sabbath, and includes the original music by Adrian Laugsch, the choreography of Anna Maria Bruzzese and the dance of Stella Gelardi.
Il mio segmento di un'ora è dedicato al Sabba e comprende la musica originale di Adrian Laugsch, la coreografia di Anna Maria Bruzzese e la danza di Stella Gelardi.
The International Video Dance Festival of Burgundy called 13 screendance creators and 13 musicians to realize one hour of videodance inspired by the Ballet royal de la Nuit, originally staged in 1653 for Louis XIV. This collective videowork, lasting 12 hours like the original show, will be exhibited at Wicklow ScreenDance Laboratory, Ireland, December 2nd-3rd, 2019. Curated by Franck Boulègue e Marisa C. Hayes.
My one-hour part is dedicated to the Sabbath, and includes the original music by Adrian Laugsch, the choreography of Anna Maria Bruzzese and the dance of Stella Gelardi.
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